Holding and Storage
At some stage of their life, decapod crustaceans who are destined for the food industry will be stored. For example, before or after transport periods, during transport itself, prior to stunning and slaughter, or while on display in retail outlets, restaurants, or markets.
The duration of storage – which can be as long as several months [1] - can have a negative impact on welfare due to the risk of poor water quality, inappropriate or changing temperatures, restriction of natural behaviours, stocking density, and the stress of handling or mutilations.
Depending on the species and required duration, decapod crustaceans may be stored in water (in tanks either with or without circulation), in air (at various levels of humidity and moisture), or directly on ice.
[1] Crustacean Compassion (2023). Sea-to-Plate: The Welfare Journey of Decapod Crustaceans.