Crustacean Compassion
Campaigning for the humane treatment of crabs, lobsters and other decapod crustaceans in the UK
Despite overwhelming evidence that animals like crabs, lobsters, prawns & crayfish (decapod crustaceans) are capable of experiencing pain, every year millions of these animals are boiled alive, cut up alive, mailed live in the post... the list goes on. Find out who we are and why we’re working to get these sentient animals protected.
Over two years ago the UK Government legally recognised that decapods – such as crabs, lobsters, prawns and nephrops – can feel pain, pleasure and fear, with their historic inclusion in the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Act 2022. Since then, the seafood industry has been waiting for guidance on how to implement and ensure high welfare standards for decapods throughout the seafood supply chain, as expected for other farmed sentient animals.
Last week, Seafish published this guidance: 'Codes of Practice for the Welfare of Crabs, Lobsters, Crawfish and Nephrops'. What could have been, and should have been, an opportunity to better the welfare for hundreds of millions of animals, has been missed and instead we have seen the release of voluntary guidelines that have unfortunately set the industry back. They still permit inhumane, painful and outdated practices to continue.
Crustacean Compassion's response to Industry Codes of Practice
Examples of inhumane practices, causing immense suffering, that are still permitted in the industry Codes of Practice include:
Although best practice is outlined in some cases, there is no obligation for seafood businesses to follow the guidance, nor any indication of how it will be implemented, audited or reviewed. Whilst we are working closely with leading supermarkets to implement higher welfare policies for decapod crustaceans, we need to see policies and legislations in place to protect these animals.
We have set out our own Code of Practice, which are based on scientific evidence and put animal welfare at the front and centre of every practice, as well as realistic expectations for all sectors within the seafood industry.
Crustacean Compassion's Code of Practice
Latest News
Urging supermarkets to commit to a permanent ban on the live sale of lobsters and crabs as part of minimal welfare commitments in the wake of its recent Snapshot report.